
Anti-Racism & Equity Committee

Are You Interested In Joining A Committee?

Patrice Oconnor

Anti-racism & Equity (AREC) Chair

The work of the Anti-Racism & Equity committee is two-fold:

  1. The committee engages members in anti-racist education.
  2. The committee addresses gender equity and disability issues, as well as issues which impact Aboriginal, bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender members.

This committee will aspire to:

  • Foster a collaborative link with our Race Relations and Equity Office at the Board.
  • Assist in the funding of members who have an interest in conferences/workshops that support the efforts of this committee.
  • Support members with various committee related initiatives in the Board.
  • Educate members about cultural, racial, ethnic and religious diversity within the education community and society.
  • Promote teaching as a career for under-represented groups in society.
  • Provide strategies to ensure that all Peel Local activities are inclusive.
  • Encourage the development of bias-free curriculum materials.
  • Hold an annual dinner to recognize and commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.