
PETL Status of Women Funding

Information, Guidelines and the Application have been updated for the 2024-2025 school and fiscal year.

Members must ensure the updated 2024-2025 Guidelines are followed and their 2024-20250 application is received by email no later than 10 school/work days prior to the conference or workshop dates.

Before submitting your PETL Status of Women Funding Application for a conference or workshop, please ensure you have also applied to STPDL (with the exception of September activities when STPDL is not yet available) and PETL Conference Funding .

The PETL Status of Women Committee has set aside funds for conferences/programs which promote: 

  1.  Women in Leadership and/or 
  2.  Women’s & Girls’ Issues and/or Equity & Inclusiveness for Women & Girls and/or 
  3.  Women & Girls from Marginalized Groups.

This fund is available to all Peel Elementary teachers on a first come basis, subject to eligibility and approval. The fund can only be accessed for one conference per member, per year.


  1. Download and read the Guidelines
  2. Download and complete the Application
  3. Email it as a PDF to Julia Allen, PETL Secretary-Treasurer,

For any additional information, please contact Julia Allen, Secretary-Treasurer, phone: 905-564-7233 x228, email: